Day 67 – November 28, 2023: I Samuel 6-10 and Psalm 150

Israel has request, no demanded, a king, and now they have one. Saul is annointed King by Samuel and he is not quite ready to rule. If there ever were a story of one who never wanted to be king but was made king by God, this would be the story. Even though he is filled with the Spirit of God, there is never a desire on his part to become king. Even to the point when they are having a celebration for him, even the coronation itself, he is hiding by the luggage so that they would not notice him. Saul was someone who absolutely wanted to be kept out of the spotlight, and tried his hardest to stay out of it.

Would this not be one of the most important aspects of a ruler, someone who had no hubris, or at least who didn’t want the spotlight. Someone who believed they actually didn’t deserve to rule and that only by the Spirit of the Lord would they be able to rule. That is something that we look for in church officers, people who are not wanting the position, but rather who get the position because the congregation asks them to take it. We don’t want people who think they deserve to be an officer, but rather people who feel as if they don’t deserve it.

Psalm 150 is a classic. Praise the Lord in as many different ways as possible. Once again, my old Christian Rock preferences are coming out.

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