Day 180 – April 24, 2024: Malachi 1-4 and Psalms 71 and 73

The last book of the Old Testament, Malachi, has a familiar theme for the returning Israelites after the exile. Keep in mind, while it is the last book of the Bible in the order of the Old Testament, it is not the last book chronologically. That would be Daniel. Daniel is thought to be the last one written down, which makes sense when you read it, it is very different. But not Malachi, it follows the themes that we have been seeing all along. The returning Israelites are reminded of how they have turned their back on God and how God is desiring them to return to Him.

The question arises in chapter 3 how they can fully return to God. The answer might be surprising, unless you were in church last Sunday. The answer is: tithe. When you tithe then you tangibly display your devotion and dedication to God. Not an answer you would want to give to a new member who is just trying to figure you out, but a correct answer regardless of the person. Both Psalms follow the same theme of God being disgusted with the transgressions of Israel so he is calling them back to faithfulness. A good theme for us as well.

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