Day 120 – February 5, 2024: Esther 1-7

I love the story of Queen Esther. If you have not seen the Veggie Tales rendition of it, I highly recommed it. You can find it here.

It is this story that is celebrated in the festival of Purim. I have not attended the festival of Purim but apparently it is quite an event. Mordecai as the real villan is lambasted and the children take part fully in the festival. It reminds me a bit, just a little bit, of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, where people get fully engaged and involved in the movie. Again, not something that I have been to, but I have heard about it.

There is no stronger line in all of Esther than Mordecai’s words where he tells her: Maybe for such a time as this… This should be our theme in all times of our lives. Maybe it is for such a time as this that the Lord has chosen us, has asked us to serve Him in whatever capacity that he might want us to serve. If we keep that thougth before us, that the Lord has chosen us to serve Him in such a time as this, then there is no limit to what we can do in his name.

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