Day 114 – January 27, 2024: Hosea 1-7

It is unusual to have a prophet that speaks against both Isreal and Judah. If you notice both of these nations, because at this point this is where they are at, nations, have turned against the Lord. Hosea is a bit of a rated R book of the Bible, but we must cover it. The first two chapters describe God commanding his prophet to marry someone who is incredibly unfaithful. I don’t like the word prostitute because the real victim in that case is actually the prostitute herself who is in today’s day and age probably trafficked to become a prostitute. Very few women choose to be prostitutes in this day and age, so this is not what this speak to. This speak to a woman who chooses to be unfaithful. Hosea is told to marry someone like that, whom you know that no matter what she will look for and find other men to lie with even though she is married.

What I feel the most sorry for are the children who are produced as a result of this marriage. They are given terrible names that represent the unfaithfulness of this marriage and their mother. Now, granted, at the end of the chapter 2 things do start to turn around, but still, their whole life they have been going through a bit of an identity crisis with the names that they have been given. Remember, this is a clear metaphor, though, on how unfaithful the people of God have been, both Judah and Israel, and how they have chosen other gods to follow in spite of the faithfulness of God. God remains faithful, we do not. That’s the theme which applies to us today as well. God is faithful, we are not.

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