Day 111 – January 24, 2024: Joel 1-3 and Psalm 138

Joel tends to be a Scripture that we read only, and pretty much exclusively, on the day of Pentecost. But there is so much more to it. We find throughout the Scripture a reality check that God had abandoned his people so that every single thing in the land would be destroyed. Well, that happened pretty effectively in II Kings where the entire land was stripped of everything including the people. But then there is the promise, and this is the part that we tend to read for Pentecost, look at 2:28-29 where we read that the people of God, including the sons and the daughters, would reflect the presence of the Lord and restoration would begin to take place. This will happen, it is a promise.

Psalm 138 is one of those songs of praise that David writes up and sings. It is nice. Again, a song of restoration keeping in line with what Joel states at the end of the book.

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