Day 147 – March 12, 2024: Job 15-17 and Romans 11-13

As we make our way with Job we see another friend accuse him and Job takes a couple of chapters to intervene and speak against the reasoning and the rationale that his friends speak. God better intervene sometime soon, don’t worry, he’ll be along soon. But I really want to focus in on Romans 12.

If you look at Romans 12:9-21 you find what is called the marks of a true Christian. Now, we do not sit on the judgment and seat and we are not tasked with the job of deciding who is a Christian by name and who is a true Christian. But these verses serve as a great measuring stick for our own lives. Don’t try to measure up the lives of others, we would do well just to measure our own lives. Look at the guidelines that we are given to measure our lives, I’m just going to throw some phrases out and read them and let them sink in.

Hate what is evil and hold fast to what is good. Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering and persevere in prayer. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. That should sound familiar. That is my benediction, at least that last phrase. I think this is good enough to end on. Wait, there is more. Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good. Yeah, that’s a good place to end it. Can you imagine if people tried to over come evil with good. Wow, just wow.

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