March 23, 2022: Day 63 – Ruth 1-4 and Psalms 45 and 58 and Proverbs 31

The story of Ruth, I had forgotten, takes place during the reign of the Judges.  So we just read the account of the Judges and so it must have been during that time, probably when everyone turned and did their own thing and did not listen to the Lord, that the family of Naomi went to Moab to live because there was family in Israel.  When Ruth returns with her mother-in-law the entire story seems to be one of one act of righteousness after another.  Boaz honors Ruth and follows the law and gives her children.  

Keep in mind a couple of things.  Ruth, the foreign Moabites becomes King David’s grandmother.  That is pretty significant.  She is also in direct line with our Savior Jesus Christ.  That is equally, if not more, significant.  God works in such a way to pave the way even for the most lowly to become significant in His kingdom.

Psalm 45 and 58 are both kingly psalms where they describe the role of the king and how God is going to bless the king who is willing to do God’s will.  Proverbs 31 takes us to a beautiful description of a wife of noble character, at least for the time in which it was written.  But don’t forget vs.8-9, let’s read that.  “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.  Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

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