Day 150 – March 15, 2024: Job 28-33

Now it starts to get interesting with Job. We find him at the beginning of this reading eulogizing wisdom and how precious wisdom is. Only God knows where to find wisdom and knows its path and its purpose. Nothing in this world is more precious than wisdom. Like that commercial says you can put a pricetag on certain things, but wisdom: priceless. Job does have a longish defense of himself in regards to the Matthew 25 Scripture which we saw earlier. He was accused of not reaching out to those in need and concern and one of his friends said very specifically that this was why God had turned His back on him.

These chapters contained a defense of Job by Job in that he says he always looked for ways to reach out to the poor and the helpless and the defenseless. In fact, he said that if he did not do that then God should remove his arms and take away anything that he had at all, physically. It is a very strong appeal made by Job that he did, in fact, reach out in concern to the needy when he was in his whole state. He gave specific examples and they would have been hard to argue against.

We end with a fourth person, who isn’t described as a friend but rather as someone who was younger and held his mouth because he was convinced that the three older friends would have been able to have convince Job that he was not righteous as he though he was. So he lays into him and tells him that no one is righteous and that his arguments against his friends were really arguements against God. Kinda hard to go against that. Let’s see what happens when we finish this out. God has to speak at some point.

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