September 15, 2022: Day 199 – Psalm 93-98

A couple of times we read in these six psalms the phrase: Sing to the Lord a new song.  Keep in mind that the psalms are a lot like our hymnal.  They were written to be sung.  Often before the psalm they even tell us to what tune they are to be sung.  So when the psalmist commands us to sing a new song, it means something similar to what it does today.  How do you feel on the Sunday that the organist or the pastor introduces a new song to you?  I’m guessing most of us would rather have the oldie but goodie.  There is always some sort of push back, some sort of reticence.

But God says in these psalms that we tried the oldie but the goodie, but you did not obey.  The people of God disobeyed when we tried to do it the old way.  Now we need a new song that the people do not know so that they will be forced to pay attention and try to figure out exactly what it is that God wants us to do.  I like the oldies but the goodies, but the newbies provide some great spiritual edification as well.

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