March 12, 2021: Day 6 – I Chronicles 2

We find ourselves in a long genealogy again, get used to it, you are going to be seeing a lot of names over these next chapters which is why the book is called Chronicles.  It is a chronicling of the families of the people of God with all of their warts and bruises.  No one is left out, including those who are considered the problem children, those who strayed away from God’s purposes and directives.  They are still part of the family.

We have a long list of people in the Bible who were the problem children but then were able to sort out their lives.  In no particular order, and certainly not in chronographic order, here are some examples: Paul – he was a Christian killer as Saul until he met Jesus and then he became a champion of the church.  The prodigal son who runs away from home and then comes back and is welcomed with open arms.  David – who is mentioned in this genealogy in vs.15 and he is mentioned as the last son born, and he was.

Now that is also another aspect of Scripture that we find throughout.  The last born, who should be the one with the least amount of benefits, is often chosen to carry on the name and the promise of God.  Look at Jacob, Joseph, David, and others who were the last born and yet were still chosen by God to carry on his name and his promises.  And they do exactly that.  Today we don’t have any kind of preference where a person is born, but back then it meant everything both emotionally and economically.  So while you may not get a whole lot out of genealogies, there is always something that strikes us as unique and “of God” even in the most mundane.  It is good to look for God at all times and in all circumstances, even in the most mundane.

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