September 4, 2018: Day 24 – Job 24

I’m wondering if this is really Job who is speaking because there is a sense that he continues some of the arguments of his friends.  He gives a very in depth list of wicked acts and deeds and lays out that those who love the darkness must be wicked because only terrible acts take place in the darkness.  But all of this would lend credence to the fact that Job is suffering as a result of a specific sin which he committed.  

As I’m looking through this I recognize that this chapter very much feels like an argument against Job and not in his favor.  Maybe he was scratching his scabs a bit too long.  His statement in vs.20 that the womb forgets them and the worm finds them sweet and that wickedness is broken like a tree does not reflect what Job thinks or what he has said up to now.

Have you ever been in a situation where words were attributed to you which you absolutely know that you never would have or could have said them?  This just might be a case for that.  Let’s see what happens next chapter if it confirms or is neutral about it.

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