Day 103 – January 13, 2024: I Kings 11-15 and Proverbs 3

We begin the divided history of Israel. It is really important to be able to follow along with what is happening in the chapters that we have assigned for today. Solomon clearly turns his back on the Lord as a result of his many wives and their religious backgrounds and affiliations. He wanted to please his wives so he brings into being the sacrifices and the high places and the altars to different gods. That was the one thing that God you shall not do. God tell him clearly that because you have done this then I will maintain my promise to you that your children shall reign over the people, but only a portion of the people. You will reign over the southern end of Jerusalem, that is called Judah. It will encompass Jerusalem and that is pretty much it, just two tribes you will reign over. The rest of Israel, the other ten tribes in the northern section of where you are now ruling, I will give to someone else.

This happens and Solomon’s son is given the throne, someone else rises up and takes over the northern kingdom, called Israel, and this will be the new norm here on out. These chapters lay the foundation to what we will be seeing in the Old Testament here on out. There will be two kings, one that rules over Israel, the Northern Kingdom with centers in Bethel and Dan. The first ruler of the north, Jeroboam, begins on the wrong foot by making golden calves so that the people could worship. Someone forgot their history and what happened the last time that golden calves were worshipped in the people of Israel.

So the story continues with rulers who are more or less faithful to the Lord, with the southern kingdom tending to be more faithful because, after all, that is where Jerusalem and the temple are located. We pretty much end with a recounting of the reign of Asa in the south who ruled for 41 years, yikes that’s a long time, and who was very faithful to God. A good way to end this reading. In Proverbs 3:5-6 we find the great verses: “Trust in the Lord Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” This is a good way to end the day.

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