Day 72 – December 4, 2023: II Samuel 1-5 and Psalm 13

We see how quickly David consolidates his power once Saul and his son Jonathan die. It does seem like he is a bit of a reticent king. He kills the person who told him about the death of Saul and his son. Granted, the person not only told David about it, but actually killed the King himself. He kills the two who then take out the other son of Saul who was heading up Israel at the time, even though he was never annointed. It really took out all of David’s competition, but David wasn’t pleased with people taking the initiative against people who ostensibly could have been placed there by God. So this reticent annointed king eventually becomes king after all.

He settles in Jerusalem which is then called the city of David. One of the more powerful times that I have had in Israel was when we drove through a tunnel and the next thing we saw was Jerusalem there sitting on a hill. The driver turned on the song Jerusalem and the guide and the driver led the whole bus in song as they celebrated the city. This city of David becomes the city of David because of this Scripture. From then on David is found defending the city.

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