January 5, 2022: Day 3 – Genesis 4-7, John 4-5

Once again a brief summary would be helpful.  We find the tragic story of Cain and Abel where God accepted and loved the sacrifices of Abel more than those of Cain.  Instead of trying to explain why, because it doesn’t say why, although in Hebrews 4:11 we see that it was by faith that Abel brought his offerings.  We could assume the opposite, that Cain did not have faith, but that would be reading into the story a bit too much.   We find the first two people who were born and then the first fratricide, which will be a constant theme in Scripture and in history.  But God redeems, God forgives, God allows Cain to have a life and brings new life out of Eve.  

We then have that followed by the the story of Noah and the flood which culminates with all of the animals coming on board the ship and the riding out of the storm.   Noah was identified as being the only one righteous, and it is that distinction which allows him to be chosen to carry out the plans of the Lord.  There should be a lesson in there to pursue the righteousness of the Lord not because we hope to win a prize, like eternal life, but rather so that we can understand our lives as a response of gratitude for what God has already done for us.  

In John we find Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman, an encounter that left his disciples dumbfounded.  You see the Samaritans and the Jews hated each other, but Jesus took the time to not only speak to the Samaritan woman, but also to empower her to be a disciple herself as she brought the news of salvation to her village, and as a result, many believed. 

We then find the healing of the man by the pool.  If you have a chance I would encourage you to join us as we take a journey to Israel in the Spring of 2023.  We go every 5 years.  We will see this pool and the exact location where this healing took place.  It is here where we see that the religious leaders, angry at Jesus for healing someone on the Sabbath and probably jealous that he is getting all the attention, begin to persecute Jesus.  

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