August 20, 2018: Day 9 – Job 9

Job is given a chance to answer the statements that his friend, Bildad, made in the previous chapter.  He tells Bildad that he is correct, in that Job is not righteous.  Job’s doesn’t contend that he is righteous, but the objection is to drawing a straight line between what Job is experiencing, his suffering, and a specific or certain sin which is causing this state of being.  Job’s answer is so involved and so thorough because he tells his friend that God is Lord over all things.

Since God is Lord of all then God can give life and take it away.  God has created all of the constellations (did you notice that he mentioned constellations with which we are familiar like Orion and Pleiades?), and made us from nothing, so God has every right to create and establish and cause as God sees fit.  God doesn’t need a justification for any of this.

One aspect of this chapter which is crucial is Job’s statement in vs.33 where he ascertains that there is no mediator, or he says umpire, between us and God.  God is the only one who decides and God does not use an intermediary.  This concept comes to full fruition when we see God come as a human, in Jesus, and there we truly see that there is no mediator between us and God.  We give thanks for that!

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