Month: June 2018

June 2, 2018: Day 49 – Leviticus 9

So, I need to make a correction to what I posted on the day for Leviticus 7.  That would have been on Day 47.  I opened and read and did a commentary on Deuteronomy 7 by mistake.  I think it was an insightful commentary for the day, but for the wrong book of the Bible.  Okay, that is my mea culpa, now on to Leviticus 9.

So here I am on vacation in Washington State staying at the home of Stacy’s sister.  Here is the view from their deck. 

IMG_3929 Yeah, it is pretty stunning and it certainly is a place that we come to for rest and relaxation.  It is also our anniversary today, 25 years.   What a great life I have been able to live.  No, really, as I look back, I think, what a great life I have been able to live.  But what if the family in which I was born into was very different than the American missionary family that was serving in Lisbon, Portugal when I was born?  But I wasn’t, I was born into this family, married this amazing woman, and have three amazing daughters.

The scene that we find in Leviticus is one where God again commands Aaron to do certain things for the people in order for their relationship to be made right before the Lord.  Consistently we see that it is a family thing and Aaron’s sons are bringing him all that he needs in order to carry out the orders for the Lord.  Almost every paragraph we read that Aaron’s sons brought him this, and brought him that and Aaron did what the Lord required.  As a result of all that happened, the very last verse is powerful.  The people of the Lord were able to see a very visible presence of the Lord.

When you look back over your life can you see a very visible presence of the Lord?  All that I recounted above about my own personal life has allowed me to see the visible presence of the Lord every single day.  I pray that this blog will allow us to continue to see His presence either by fire, or by other blessings.

June 1, 2018: Day 48 – Leviticus 8

This is quite an elaborate ritual in order to christen (probably the wrong word here) both the tabernacle and ordain those who would be serving the people while in the tabernacle.  Aaron and his sons were appointed by Moses to perform the priestly duties.  It is fascinating to me to see the ordination ceremony that takes place starting at vs. 22.  Aaron, who would have been considered the high priest, has the blood of the ram placed upon the lobe of his right ear, the thumb of his right hand, and the toe of his right foot.  Keep in mind that this all has incredible significance.

All of them are the right side because it was the dominant side and so the side which was chosen as the one that would be selected by the Lord.  The right ear would be that which would be able to hear the voice of the Lord while he would be serving.  So this consecration by blood allowed Aaron to be ordained to hear the voice of God.  The right hand would be the hand which would be the most involved in making sacrifices and taking action on behalf of the Lord.  So the consecration of the right hand would prepare Aaron to serve on behalf of the Lord.  So far Aaron has been consecrated to hear the voice of the Lord and to act on behalf of the Lord.  The right toe would allow Aaron to walk in the direction that the Lord would point him.  It would be the first to take a step in the direction that the Lord would want him to take.  So Aaron is consecrated to go in the direction that the Lord would want him to go.

All of this is indicative of what Aaron would be equipped to do which would in turn allow him to share that with the people of Israel as they seek him out for guidance and direction.  Notice that all of Aaron’s sons also were ordained in this same way.  Pretty intricate and pretty interesting.

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