September 15, 2018: Day 35 – Job 35

Elihu continues to castigate Job and asks a rhetorical question that maybe Job could have asked at one time in his life.  What advantage have I?  How am I better off than if I had sinned?  Elihu actually comes up with a good answer.  He says if you are righteous then you actually are able to return something to God.  If you are wicked then it not only affects you but also those around you.  

Elihu accuses Job of empty talk and speech which multiplies ignorance.  There is some wisdom here in Elihu’s talk.  He continues on for a few more chapters and we don’t really have a response to him once he finishes speaking, so we might do well to pay attention to what he has to say.  So much of what Elihu has to say resonates with what Job said earlier in chapter 7.

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