November 20, 2020: Day 90 – Ezekiel 38

The repeated reminder to Israel that they are going to be facing destruction is once again emphasized here.  But this time the author incorporates the image of creation to stress how things are going to take place.  You almost see a rolling back of creation in reverse as we read in vs.20 about the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the animals of the field, all creeping things that creep on the ground and then finally all human beings  shall quake at the presence of God.

This order is very similar to what we find in creation and how when God created these animals and the humans he looked around and said it is good, no in fact, it is very good.  The destruction of Israel by a foreign power is God’s desire and it is taking place in a way that is reminiscent of how God created us in the first place.  Remember, we are the clay and God is the potter.  What right do we have to question how God is doing things especially when we are so clearly not following God’s desires in our lives and in the life of the nation as a whole.  

The worship of other idols has moved God to the place where he is able to use a nation that also worship idols to destroy his people, turn them into bones, so that he can one day raise them up again as he has promised.  But for now, his wrath will be complete.

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