July 16, 2022: Day 151 – Job 34-37 and Proverbs 21

We pretty much hear from Elihu in this section.  Elihu comes down hard, really hard on Job.  At one point he says: “Those who have sense will say to me, and the wise who hear me will say: ‘Job speaks without knowledge, his words are without insight.'”  Talking about adding insult to injury.  Elihu continues for these 4 chapters plus a couple before them just pounding Job and his statement that he is innocent.  We don’t get a response from Job here at all.  In fact, the next person to speak, but that is for our next day, is God Himself.

In Proverbs we hear the wise one, that would be Solomon, who speaks about the Providence of God.  On the one had we hear: “When justice is done, it is ajoy to the righteous, but dismay to evildoers.”  This would make us think that he is kind of working the line of reasoning that in Job goes against Job.  But then he pulls out “No wisdom, no understanding, no counsel, can avail against the Lord.  The horse is made ready for battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord.” 

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