October 1, 2018: Day 51 – Proverbs 9

We find the classic memory verse for Proverbs in this chapter and specifically at vs.10: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”  As you read through this chapter you are able to pick out verse after verse which just has some really good, well, wisdom in it.  For example, if you try to give constructive criticism to a fool, they will not appreciate it.  They will, in fact, make you an enemy.  If you give constructive criticism to a person who is mature and wise (vs.6) then they will be a better person for life.

You have had those experiences where you were trying to help someone and you realize that in helping they in turn have become bitter against you?  Now, there is a limit.  If you are the one who is always trying to help others in a not so helpful way, and then when someone tries to correct you  you snap off their head, well, that is not exactly what I am talking about.  In that case maybe you are the fool.  This chapter is pretty cut and dried and if we read through it I think we will be able to gain some great insight.


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