November 2, 2017: Day 73 – Revelation 19

I can’t help but think of this movie from Hitchcock when I read vs.21.

There is horrifying imagery in these verses and they remind us that victory does come in Jesus but it has come at a cost.  We often forget that the God that we worship died in a very brutal and bloody way.  We often forget that the one to whom we give our life and devotion was beaten and tortured by people just like us.

This scene in Revelation reminds us that as we might choose to be a follower of Jesus Christ it is not a choice which makes our life easier.  It can, in fact, make it more difficult because we are called to make decisions which should fly in the face of societal pressure.  We are called to not follow the Beast even if it means that we take the side of people who are often portrayed as Beasts.  We are called to stand on the side of our neighbor who is often misunderstood.

If you look at vs.10 you will see a marked similarity to what happens to Peter with Cornelius in Acts 10:25-26.  How quickly we are to make those around us deities when we find ourselves in need.  

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