February 2, 2016: Day 30 – Mark 2

Recently I receive an email where a question was asked if Jesus ever explicitly spelled out to his disciples who he was and the power that he had to forgive sins.  Did he make it clear how his death and resurrection were tied up in this new hope that we have in Jesus?  These verses and the story of Jesus healing the paralytic contributes to the recognition of who Jesus was.  He states very clearly in vs. 10 that “the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.”  This is at the heart of who Jesus is for us, he is God who is able to forgive sins.  

When we read about Jesus hanging out with sinners  we can see the shaking of the heads of the religious folks as they criticize him for hanging out with the wrong crowd.  “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinner?”  While we are absolutely called to be separate and to be different and not to give the impression that anything goes, we are also called to minister to those who do not know Jesus, even if that means placing ourselves in situations where others just might criticize us.  

It’s a short blog today, but one where I hope and I pray that you are able to identify with the one whose sins are forgiven, and as a result is given a new life.  May we see ourselves as one who is carried by the hands of our loved ones to the feet of Jesus so that we can be healed.

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