December 13, 2018: Day 12 – Isaiah 8

Once again the name Immanuel is mentioned in vs. 8.  This comes on the tail end of a prophecy where the prophetess, the wife of Isaiah, bears a son whose name is Maher-shalal-hash-baz.  I don’t believe this name made it to the top 10 names of 2018.  It means literally: “the spoil speeds, the prey hastens.”  This is a symbolic name which depicts the speed with which Assyria will overthrow the land.  Nothing like naming your son a name that signifies the demise of your country.

If you go to vs.19 you will see a strong denunciation against those who would use mediums to help them make their way along in life.  It is interesting that just this past week I had a question about people who did this and they asked what was the danger.  This verse gives just a small indication of the danger.  Anytime we try to mess with the spirit world and try to mess with it to our advantage or for our selfish purposes, then things can only go bad.  Isaiah states that when someone does turn in that direction that only darkness will prevail.  Not something to look forward to.

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