April 10. 2017: Day 100 – Psalm 100

The first 100 days have been completed.  Congratulations!  We are 2/3rds of the way done.  You will find the first time that tennis is mentioned in the Bible here in Psalm 100…”enter his courts with praise”, get it?  Okay, I am so looking forward to spending an hour in prayer this morning at 1am.  I am so pleased with the response, there were only 3 open spots, and I am incredibly happy to take those spots.  The pastor has to pray too, after all!

Psalm 100 is one of those psalms that you learn in VBS by heart.  It is a great psalm and it is one, like Psalm 23, that remains with you and that sticks with you through thick and thin.  Make a joyful noise has often been misspoken by pastors as “make a noyful joise”.  My dad used to tell a story of how when he was interning as a seminarian he did that on Easter Sunday to greet the congregation.  He never recovered.  It reminded me of my brother who was reading Scripture and introduced it as Paul’s letter to the Philippines.   He’s still recovering.

But this Psalm has so much which is comforting but also it is just sheer joy.  That is what is memorable about it.  Psalm 23 is memorable because of the imagery.  Psalm 100 is memorable because of the unmitigated joy.  I pray that you are able to be in a Psalm 100 mindset this evening.

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